Saturday, March 19, 2011

Yay! My blogging has begun!

Yesterday as I was watching my little one play I made a list of things I want to accomplish. As the mama of two active little boys I find that lists keep mebon track (until I lose them!) start a blog is on that list, along with find a church home, FINALLY read the bible, make more time for crafting, start my garden, read more to my 8month old angel, really learn how to cook (not just things out of boxes) recycle EVERYTHING, make a once a month family campout/movie night, get a group together for play dates, and make time for a game night with our friends! As all you mommys know once you have children, you tend to lose friends that are in a different stage of life as you.
So I want to make this blog about my family adventures in finding a way, and a place for all of us mommys to relate. There are things that only moms understand, and as hard as husbands try it's easier to have someone who knows the feeling! So join me on my adventures, and trust me there are many!

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